Saturday, December 04, 2004

Walking Around The Oval (Part I)

The oval is the large block of land fronting the Men's Dorm and Women's Dorm. Around the oval are other dorms, Baker's Hall, the Student Union and the Auditorium. For all intents and purposes, it is an empty piece of land, principally used as the February Fair grounds and for the Graduation Ceremonies. On one end, it has a football pitch, a softball diamond AND a baseball diamond.

A great promenade place to walk around in as well as for jogging. Roughly around 800 meters around, joggers go around it almost in all hours. I've even had the opportunity to run around it at midnight with some friends. The only problem about the oval is that it not a tree-lined or shaded block. Maybe when the trees grow tall enough.

Most times though, this is where we walk and talk. Maybe two or three times around the block and me and my friends would find a place to sit down, maybe near the middle of the block, and continue talking for hours. One of my friends narrated to me the Silmarilion, while we were under the stars, sitting on the field. Couples normally just sit there on the field, staking out a portion of land as witness to sweet nothings.

--andoy, 5 December 2004

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