Thursday, December 09, 2004

Baker Hall III (Marlo's Graduation Swim)

My friend Marlo was several years ahead of me. When he was finally confirmed for graduation, he celebrated with his friends and org-mates at one of the drinking places just outside the campus. They walked home to their respective dorms around midnight and while passing by the Administration building there was some jostling near the fountains forcing Marlo into the water. Since most of them were already wet, they decided to have a swim at Baker Hall.

Since it was April, it was quite warm, and his clothes were wet, he walked to the dorm in his briefs carrying his wet clothes. It just so happened that the guard on duty was Aleli. It was 2:00 in the morning, Marlo was dripping wet, walking to the dorm in his shorts and the lady guard was on duty. Pity I wasn't there to see that. That would have been fun.

Who cares? Marlo was out of there. And Aleli was a good sport. You wouldn't want to tangle with her though.


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