Sunday, July 13, 2008

Missing Photos

I never gave it a thought that a website will disappear. But then
again, it was bound to happen. That's the reason websites are not
cited in academic publications: because website contents can change,
the link can disappear or the whole web page disappear.

So now I have a bunch of blog entries without any links to pictures.

Moving forward, I have two choices, suck it, or do something about it.
I choose the latter: I'll recreate the postings using another photo
site on the web. In a leisurely fashion as I would be trying to find
the pictures first. And then post them on the photo website. This
would take some time.

Meantime, I've been busy. Writing. This could be a full-time job.
And working from home.

-- Andoy
Antonio Castellano, Jr.

{thesaurus: (n.) an small extinct lizard with a large vocabulary.}

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