Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home Bound during Typhoon Frank

Typhoon Frank took a detour through the Metro Manila during the weekend. Nothing to do. No electricity, no radio or TV. No computer time.

Darwi curled up in a chair. Nope, we just took out the camera to break the boredom.

A Darwi closeup, with a crazy grin/smile/grimace.

Kenneth clowning around Lilia.

Kenneth clowning around me.

I think this was a contest of sorts. For Halloween. Now, if Darwi were in this picture, it would really be a contest.

A sleepy picture. The whole day was sleepy. Me with Lilia.

Darwi stretching a bit.

Darwi still stretching.

This was taken after the storm. No classes. Darwi hamming it up for the camera.

And yup, it took out my wireless broadband antenna. It took the ISP three days to schedule and repair since I reported it Monday.

26 June 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Naomi's Birthday and Father's Day Celebration

Some pictures from last Sunday, June 15, 2008. Naomi's birthday was June 10, but it was celebrated on the succeeding weekend. Which coincided with Father's Day. hehehe

19 June 2008